Mr Pranav Somaiya
Mr Pranav Somaiya is a consultant general and vascular surgeon based in London and sees patients across the whole range of vascular diseases as is highlighted below. He specialises in the full range of vascular conditions that require surgical and medical attention, including aortic, carotid artery, upper limb arterial and lower limb arterial, lymphatic, and venous disease. His special interests include stroke surgery as well as problems caused due to diabetes. He performs open surgery as well as minimally invasive (keyhole) therapies, including aneurysms and laser vein surgery.
He is also very active in the following:
Surgical Education:
He is the Clinical Lead for the Surgical Skills Programme at the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCSE). This covers over 150 courses run by the College nationally and internationally. He has been a tutor/examiner at the medical schools of the University of Sheffield and Kings College, London and the Charles Clifford Dental School, Sheffield. He teaches on seven post-graduate courses in General Surgery and Trauma organised by the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCSE). He represents the RCSE on the curriculum committee of the Inter-Collegiate Basic Surgical Skills (BSS) Course.
Quality Improvement(QI):
He has been instrumental in setting up several QI projects in three different NHS hospitals that have made a major impact on improvement of patient care. These include one of UK’s early One Stop Venous Clinic (OSVC) for the management of patients with varicose veins. Use of next generation technology to improve patient care and bringing the NHS into the 21st century is his big passion. These have led to setting up the Next Generation Surgical Clinics (NEGSC) for the management of patients and the use of QR codes for streamlining patient information across multiple platforms with a number of further projects planned in this pipeline.
Basic Sciences Research:
His PhD has led to the development of a rapid diagnostic test for micro-organisms using MS proteomics, which has since been patented and the patent granted in Europe and America. He has also had success in several other funded areas of research such as development of a rapid diagnostic test for C difficile using MS proteomics (research grant by the BUPA foundation) and a clinical evaluation of the MS proteomics test for MRSA (research grant from the Pfizer Anti Infective Research Programme). He has been awarded the Science Engineering and Technology award from the Houses of Parliament for his research. He ran a translational research laboratory affiliated to UCL for five years. His work was highlighted in the audio-visual campaign of Antibiotic Action UK.
Conditions Treated:
- Varicose Veins (Superficial Venous disease) – treated by open surgery, endovenous (laser and RFA) surgery, foam sclerotherapy, phlebectomies
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVTs) – treated by endovenous stenting and anticoagulation
- Aortic Aneurysms (Thoracic/Abdominal/Visceral/Limb/Inflammatory/Mycotic) – treated by open/endovascular surgery (EVAR)
- Stroke Surgery (Symptomatic Carotid Disease/ Carotid Web) – treated with carotid endarterectomy
- Peripheral Vascular Disease (upper limb/lower limb/ Diabetic foot disease) – treated by open/endovascular angioplasties/hybrid surgery, supervised exercise class, disease modification therapy, secondary prevention
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) – venous, arterial, nervous – treated by open/endovascular/hybrid surgery
- Popliteal entrapment syndrome – treated by open/endovascular/hybrid surgery
- OncoVascular Surgery (Vascular specialist support for major cancer surgery): open surgery
- Spinal Access Surgery (Vascular specialist support for spinal surgery): open surgery
AVM (Arterivenous Malformation)
Abdominal Aneurysm
Aortic Aneurysms
Aortic Dissection
Aortic Tumours
Aorto-iliac Disease
Arm Artery Disease
Carotid Artery Disease
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Critical Leg Ischaemia
Deep Vein Thrombosis (Blood Clot)
Hernia Repair Surgery
Leg Ulcers
Mesenteric Ischemia
Painful Legs
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
Peripheral Aneurysm
Peripheral Arterial Disease
Reno-Vascular Conditions
Swollen Feet & Ankles
Swollen Legs
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Varicose Veins
Clinical Lead, Surgical Skills Programme, Royal College of Surgeons of England 2022
Barts NHS Trust