What is an MRI scan?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a type of scan that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of the inside of the body.
An MRI scan can be used to examine almost any part of the body, including the brain and spinal cord, ones and joints, breasts, heart and blood vessels, and internal organs, such as the liver, heart or prostate gland.
The results of an MRI scan can be used to help diagnose conditions, plan treatments and assess how effective previous treatment has been.
The types of scans that we offer vary from clinic to clinic. Please contact us to discuss your treatment.

Ready to book now? Get in touch to discuss your needs and decide on the best course of treatment for you.
Contact us at feedback@healthshare.org.uk
Ready to book now? Get in touch to discuss your needs and decide on the best course of treatment for you.
Reasons to need an MRI scan
An MRI scan can help assess virtually any part of the body. Common reasons include:
- Knee – MRIs of the knee are helpful to find any related injuries to the bone, ligaments, cartilage, and tendons.
- Spine – This detects other possible causes of back pain such as slipped disc, nerve root compression fracture and discitis.
- Hip – This can reveal fraying or tears of the cartilage and labrum. It can also detect the early findings of arthritis.
- Prostate – This may be used in various clinical scenarios, including primary screening and active surveillance.
- Brain – Brain MRIs are done to exclude serious causes of headaches and migraines or one-sided deafness.
- Wrist – This allows for accurate identification of evaluation of a variety of traumatic injuries, arthropathies and wrist pain.
Booking your scan
Have you already been to see a GP, consultant, or other health professional, and have a referral from them? Contact us today to book your scan. You can be seen typically within 48 hours of booking. After the scan, we will send the scan images to your GP or Consultant – as well as yourself – as soon as they are ready.
If you don’t have a referral from a health professional you are able to self-refer for an MRI scan. Contact us today to book your scan and we will provide a Self-referral form for completion.
Alternatively, we provide same-day or next-day private GP appointments here at our clinics. We can also offer appointment times further in advance to fit around your schedule. Our experienced GPs are available to discuss all your health concerns and are able to improve the speed in which you can access further diagnostic investigations.
Are MRI scans safe?
There are no known long term side effects of an MRI scan and it is a pain-free procedure.
Some people may not be able to have an MRI scan for reasons such as:
- A heart pacemaker
- Aneurysm clips
- Some types of metal implants
- Pregnancy.
What happens on the day?
You will be welcomed by our team on arrival who will introduce you to our clinical team for further assessment prior to your scan. You will be asked to remove all metal objects from your person and will be able to place these in a locker. You may be invited to change into a gown.
During the scan you will be positioned and cared for by our expert radiographers. They will explain everything and communicate with you throughout your scan. Scans last between 15 and 60 minutes, depending on the area being scanned and how many images are taken.

Your scan results
A consultant radiologist, who specialises in interpreting MRI scans will assess your images and write a report on the findings.
Your diagnostic report will be sent to your referring GP or specialist within a few days of your scan.
You will also be given access to your scan images, ensuring you have a copy to provide anyone associated with your care plan.
Please call us to discuss pricing at your local clinic.
1 part scan £420.00
A 1-part MRI scan is a scan of one of the following: shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, leg, knee, ankle, foot, cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, SI joints, or brain.
2 part scan £650.00
3 part scan £899.00
4+ Part scan £1,099.00
Contrast scan £100.00
Angiogram scan - 1 part £800.00
Prostate Scan £999.00