Shoulder problems
Treatment that delivers better results
Shoulder pain
Shoulder pain is the second most common musculoskeletal problem following back pain.
The majority of shoulder problems will improve with exercises, education and staying active, without the need of a scan or surgery. Our physiotherapists have the knowledge and tools you require to help you recover from your shoulder problem.
If you are suffering from a shoulder problem and wish to attend one of our clinics we suggest you use the ‘self referral’ section below.

There are a number of reasons why you might be experiencing shoulder pain, commonly including:
- Frozen shoulder: a painful condition that reduces the normal movement in the shoulder joint
- Rotator cuff problems: This effects the how the group of muscles and tendons control the shoulder joint
- Osteoarthritis in the shoulder
- Shoulder instability: where the ball is moving unnaturally within the socket
- Referred pain: In some cases, shoulder pain is caused by a problem in another area, such as the neck
Shoulder resources
We’ve created an interactive booklet to help you learn about your shoulder, the common problems we see and how best to recover from your problem. It is best to work through the booklet prior to attending your JPAC so you can start making positive changes now. We have also produced a digital version of the JPAC presentation and related exercises which can be found below.
Shoulder Pain
Acromioclavicular joint osteoarthritis
Frozen shoulder
Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
Work station assessment
JPAC initial presentation
JPAC stiff shoulder presentation
JPAC painful shoulder presentation
Exercise programmes
Treatment options
Our locations
How to access our services
Self referrals and referrals through your GP
To refer yourself to Healthshare or see if we operate in your area please follow the link below.
Your GP can also refer you, see details here.